Tuesday, March 11, 2003


I've been at this for almost 30 years now. Hazardous waste disposal, chemical and radiation safety, OSHA inspections, general industry and now consulting through www.safelifepro.com have been my occupations. You'd think that some of the things that cause injuries are gone. But, each day, month, and year you will hear of the same accident happening to someone somewhere.

People don't know what is going to hurt them. They are not stupid, or negligent or not paying attention. No one told them about this or that being dangerous. Sometimes, a person is just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You are one of them! (OK. Based on some of the dumb things I have done, people can be stupid. But, we try to get better.... )

Do your safety, first!
1. Where is your nearest exit? Walk through it now. Was it clear? Can you crawl that far in very thick choking smoke?
2. Do you share a phone? a mouse? Clean it! That's one less cold you have to get.

Now, you've made your life a little safer. Good for you!!!

Do your family's safety next.
1. Install and regualrly test a smoke detector in your bedroom, in the hallway, the stairway and on each floor of your house. Recently, I heard of a lady and her son dying in a house fire. Smoke inhalation got them before the fire did. Small comfort.
2. Do you have a fire plan? Which tree next door is your child supposed to go to? Does he or she know the names and doorbell locations of the neighbors?
3. Learn First Aid and CPR. It will cost you less than $30 at the Red Cross. And, your family is worth it!

Be careful!

Next visit here, I'll talk a little about some of the things I've seen or heard about at work.